Why do we want to make Healing Communities?

  • Enough of us want to live in ways that generate flourishing for all.

  • We understand that healing means wholing.

  • It’s time.

Trauma = Separation

We all suffer from trauma & inherited trauma. Separation is built into every part of the way we live.

(You can find a great podcast about our collective trauma here.)


Healing = Wholing

Our word to heal comes from the Proto-Germanic word to make whole.

 “The essence of trauma is disconnection. So the real question is: How did we get separated & how do we connect?

 — Dr. Gabor Maté


Our beliefs…

All our actions of oppression & exploitation come from believing we are separate from one another.


…become our reality.

Like the hard shell that grows around an oyster, our built environments reveal the shape of our collective unconscious. We’ve calcified systems of separation.

“We shape our buildings, then they shape us.”

— Winston Churchill

Most of our problems are systemic problems
(climate change, racism, poverty, most health issues, etc.)
that require systemic solutions.

We can’t “fix” one problem at a time.
But if we connect one whole system at a time, most of the problems can be resolved.

Our communities are the wholes we can redesign for connection.

How would it change us if we lived or grew up in a place where we felt connected to ourselves, each other, & the natural world?

We don’t want to focus on “the problems”, but like a good doctor, it’s important to ask, “Where does it hurt?”

We’ll highlight a few major pain points of the systemic problems on this page, and you can learn more here.

Social & Environmental Crisis

Blue = underwater, red/pink = indirect impacts of sea-level rise (climate migrants). source

Blue = underwater, red/pink = indirect impacts of sea-level rise (climate migrants). source


“13 million U.S. coastal residents are expected to be displaced by 2100 due to sea-level rise.” Bloomberg


“An estimated 100 million people will migrate into and around the country over the coming century. ‘Most demographers expect an increasing share of these people to live in major cities.’ To accommodate them in high-density places like New York City, we’ll need 12 new NYC-sized cities; the same population will require 68 lower-density places like Phoenix.” Bloomberg


We like to blame cars for most of our carbon problems but actually, our built environments have a much larger impact.

If we build our buildings to be carbon-negative and net-positive (already possible), and not so spread out, that would eliminate most of our carbon emissions.

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“It’s naive to pray for peace if we’re not going to change the form in which we live.

Godfrey Reggio

No justice, no peace.