What is flourishing?

It’s a pretty profound question, really. Fortunately, we’re not the first to ask.

Flourishing is multi-dimensional. There is no single, simple soundbite kind of answer. But, here are some of the most concise definitions we have to offer or pass along:

Can it be measured?

In one of the great unassigned group projects of our species, artists, scientists, researchers, philosophers, farmers, spiritual teachers, & so many more, unbounded by time & place, contribute to our collective understanding of wellbeing & flourishing.

Mysteries remain. Cultural & historical biases affect the questions we ask. But, if we are what we measure, shouldn’t we try to measure our flourishing?

What could happen if we began to make our primary metric flourishing instead of profits? What if a place were judged, instead of on their GDP, or even their Walk Score, on their Flourishing Score?

We’ve made a Flourishing Self-Assessment as a synthesis & interpretation of our observations to date.


(Actually, regularly taking the Flourishing Self-Assessment is the best way we know to really absorb the whole of the concept.)